Auto Portability - Downloads & Video
Watch informational videos that address auto portability in detail, including presentations at key public policy forums.

Comprehensive Criteria for Evaluating an Automatic Rollover IRA Provider
With Auto Portability, the game has changed for Automatic Rollover IRAs. Get a comprehensive checklist of criteria #401k plan sponsors should use to evaluate their automatic rollover program to maximize participant outcomes and minimize fiduciary risk.

Assessing the Ongoing Impact of a Program of Retirement Savings Portability
Examines the ongoing impact of a program of comprehensive portability at a mega plan sponsor, from 2013-2020, following on the original Boston Research Group case study, which examined the years 2007-2012.

Auto Portability Comprehensive Infographic
A comprehensive infographic that provides important summary information about auto portability in several key dimensions.

Boston Research Technologies (BRT) White Paper Validates Auto Portability
Download the Boston Research Technologies white paper, which validates the results of auto portability at a large healthcare services provider.

Retirement Plan Portability and Public Policy Deck
Download a copy of the combined presentation deck at the 3/30/17 Financial Services Roundtable event, which featured presentation on the benefits of auto portability by EBRI's Jack VanDerhei, as well as presentations by RCH's Spencer Williams, and former U.S. Sen. Kent Conrad.

The African American Retirement Crisis
Download the issue analysis paper "The African-American Retirement Crisis: How Auto Portability Will Help." The paper addresses the means by which auto portability could reduce cashouts and serve to expand plan access for millions of minorities, including African-Americans.

America's Mobile Workforce Study
Download the executive summary of the 2015 research performed by Boston Research Technologies on America's Mobile Workforce.

Boston Research Group Study - Eliminating Friction and Leakage
Download the April 2013 Boston Research Group study on the beneficial effects of retirement savings portability at a large healthcare services provider.