retirement plan participants’ life status is an important, albeit
uncomfortable task for plan sponsors. Whereas plan participants are
typically more concerned about securing a comfortable retirement income
that lasts for life, plan sponsors must deal with deceased participants
who will leave behind residual plan benefits requiring proper
The cost of not knowing participants’ life status, or worse, in getting it wrong – can be significant – for the participants, for their beneficiaries and for the plan itself.
Challenges Facing Plan Sponsors
Determining plan participants’ life status has similarities to searching for missing participants,
but for obvious reasons, death is different. While an address change
can be transient, death is final and irrevocable, and triggers important
obligations for plan sponsors.
Within retirement plans, or any sufficiently large population, death is a relatively common and predictable statistical event. According to actuarial tables, about 16% of plan participants will die between the age of 40 and 65, and one of six participants will die prior to normal retirement age. After attaining retirement age, participants’ mortality levels increase more rapidly.
The cost of an incorrect life status can be significant:
- In defined contribution (DC) plans, when deceased participants are wrongly indicated as living, their beneficiaries may be unaware of benefits to which they are entitled, and plan balances could languish in perpetuity after being escheated to the state of residence on record.
- The stakes are higher for defined benefit (DB) plans, which often include lifetime income provisions for participants and their surviving spouses. When living participants are falsely recorded as deceased, benefits may be prematurely discontinued, or worse, never paid. On the flip side, when deceased participants are falsely believed to be alive, benefit streams might not be discontinued or adjusted for survivors, which can adversely impact the plan’s funding status.
One thing’s for sure: the sloppy administration of life status will up the odds for a plan audit, which can entail significant costs, workload, and risks.
Determining Life Status
an administrative perspective, the most straightforward life status
update scenario is when a plan administrator receives timely
notification of a participant's death from a beneficiary, a family
member, or the participant's estate representative. The plan
administrator will then request a copy of the death certificate and any
necessary documentation to verify the beneficiary's identity.
Not all participant deaths are that simple to ascertain, due – at least in part – to societal and behavioral factors. Dying alone and intestate are common events, and retirement accounts left behind at former employers may be forgotten, and/or unknown to deceased participants’ survivors.
For these “silent” deaths, plan sponsors should adopt a search strategy that proactively determines participants’ life status.
Below are three proactive search strategies to ascertain the life status of participants:
1. Periodic electronic, or e-searches
periodic e-searches, so long as they include a life status check, may
first flag a participant as deceased. In the highest quality commercial
e-searches, an indication of death may automatically trigger the
subsequent capture of the names and addresses of close relatives, which
can help in locating beneficiaries. E-searches are flexible and may be
used for purposes ranging from periodic data “scrubbing” to targeted
searches to establish life status. Whether by accident or through
intention, they can quickly and effectively serve as a “first pass” for
establishing life status.
For determining life status, e-searches may be best suited for DC plans where benefits are frequently distributed as a lump sum, so timing of the death notification is not as critical. As DB plans typically pay monthly benefits, it’s important to flag deaths more quickly – thus, a monthly e-search may not be as practical, particularly for DB plans with large populations of terminated participants having vested benefits.
2. Ongoing death monitoring
there is a population of participants with excessive mortality risk,
paired with a higher frequency of benefit payments, plan sponsors can
engage a commercial search provider to perform ongoing “death
Death monitoring periodically queries high-quality data sources to determine if a status of “deceased” is returned. Ideally, death monitoring should poll more than one data source so that any new finding of “deceased” is timelier and more reliable.
Death monitoring has the following advantages:
- Depending on the monitoring period (e.g., weekly), it will likely yield the first reliable evidence of death, allowing the plan sponsor or administrator to take additional steps as soon as practical.
- It is a “set it and forget it” approach. If the death monitoring is ongoing, a plan sponsor can be reasonably sure that they’ll detect changes in life status in a reasonably short timeframe.
- It can be cost-effective, particularly if the service’s fees are based solely upon the successful detection and reporting of a change in life status.
Death monitoring is particularly valuable tool for DB plans, where more extended and complex post-death actions may be required, often performed by actuaries. Obtaining an earlier indication of death via death monitoring can facilitate more expedient resolution for surviving beneficiaries.
3. Intensive searches
intensive searches typically examine additional sources of data above
and beyond an e-search or death monitoring, may involve participant or
beneficiary outreach and can be conducted under a variety of different
use cases.
With respect to life status, intensive searches represent a more diligent effort to verify life status, to determine exactly when a death occurred, and if necessary, to secure additional documentation – which is particularly important when a stream of benefits payments are involved. Intensive searches can also be used as a more rigorous process to identify beneficiaries.
See this article for more information on how and when to employ intensive participant searches.
An Uncomfortable but Important Task
staying on top of their participants’ life status with proactive
measures, retirement plan sponsors will be performing an uncomfortable
but vitally important task which will better serve their participants,
their beneficiaries and will help fulfill their fiduciary obligations.