EBRI's Research Establishes Auto Portability as a Leading Public Policy Initiative

Auto Portability - Public Policy

Learn more about retirement savings public policy positions related to Auto Portability.


Preparing Employees for Retirement, a Global Comparison

PLANSPONSOR's Amanda Umpierrez reports on the major findings from the 2019 Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey, which provided a comparative analysis of retirement readiness in countries around the world. Summarizing the key takeaways for employers, Umpierrez turns to Transamerica's Catherine Collison, who suggests "that the U.S. government can require employers to offer auto-enrollment in retirement plans......and can continue efforts to implement retirement plan auto-portability."

Also featured in PlanAdviser


What’s missing from the SECURE Act? A provision to plug cash-out leakage

In his latest article in Employee Benefit News, RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams identifies a key, missing element in pending retirement legislation: provisions to plug cash-out leakage. Citing both the SECURE Act of 2019 and the Automatic Retirement Plan Act of 2017 (ARPA), Williams applauds their commendable goals to expand coverage, but takes them to task for failing to incorporate provisions that plug leakage. To make his case, Williams cites two recent EBRI studies, both finding that auto portability – when combined with legislative proposals that expand access – vastly improves their public policy benefits by stemming leakage and by dramatically reducing the nation’s retirement savings shortfall.


5 Positive Retirement Plan Proposals Currently Circling Washington

401k Specialist Editor-In-Chief John Sullivan reports on EBRI's 7/11/19 analysis of DC legislative proposals, including mandatory coverage (auto-IRAs), immediate annuities, open MEPs and changes to required minimum distributions -- all of which deliver significant retirement public policy benefits, as measured by their simulated reduction in the retirement savings shortfall (RSS). Importantly, Sullivan singles out auto portability as providing the most-impressive benefits, noting: "if a full auto portability scenario is assumed on top of all of the aforementioned changes to the retirement system, the average retirement deficit is simulated to decrease by 27.1 percent."


P&I: EBRI Study Examines Legislative Proposals, Highlights Benefits of Auto Portability

Pensions & Investments' Hazel Bradford reports on the latest EBRI research to examine legislative proposals, including auto-IRAs, that would expand retirement plan coverage. The EBRI study, notes Bradford, finds that "along with mandating that employers with more than 10 workers provide access to auto IRAs and raising the IRS' auto-escalation cap to 15% from the current 10%, EBRI calculated that auto-portability of all defined contribution assets through a clearinghouse would reduce the retirement deficit by 27.1%." Bradford further quotes EBRI Director of Research Jack VanDerhei, who adds: "[w]ith that combination, we can take care of a quarter of the retirement deficit alone for that age cohort."


Legislative Proposals Could Help Retirement Income Adequacy: EBRI

In her 7/12/19 article, PLANSPONSOR's Rebecca Moore reports on the latest EBRI research to address legislative proposals that expand access to employer-sponsored retirement plans. Once again, the EBRI findings reveal the highly-beneficial, additive impact of auto portability, when considered in tandem with other policy initiatives. The EBRI analysis, which examined various scenarios involving the widespread adoption of auto-IRA programs, found that adding auto portability to the mix resulted in the youngest cohort (35-39) realizing a reduction in their retirement savings shortfall (RSS) of 27.1% under auto portability, vs. 17.3% without the auto portability feature.

Also featured in PlanAdviser.


Wall Street Journal: Moving Your 401(k) Could Get Easier

In her 6/10/19 column in The Wall Street Journal, Bailey McCann examines pending regulation from the U.S. Department of Labor on the RCH Auto Portability program, designed to reduce leakage and "help workers bring their retirement accounts with them as they change jobs." McCann quotes RCH founder, President & CEO Spencer Williams, and credits RCH for "develop[ing] the platform that would do the automatic transfers." Also expressing their support are Matthew Drinkwater, Director of Retirement Research at the LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute, and Alicia Munnell, Director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.


EBRI's VanDerhei Addresses PSCA Conference, Including Auto Portability Update

ASPPA Net's John Iekel covers EBRI Research Director Jack VanDerhei's 5/1/19 presentation before the PSCA National Conference, where VanDerhei provided an update on auto portability's benefits, as calculated in EBRI's Retirement Security Projection Model (RSPM). According to Iekel, VanDerhei asserted that "introducing auto-portability for participants who are Gen Xers reduced retirement savings shortfalls for couples regardless of which dies first, and for single people regardless of gender."

Also Featured in NAPA Net (link)


Mercer Exec: Auto Portability 'Essential for Shoring Up US Retirement System'

In his capacity as Head of US Defined Contribution and Financial Wellness Research, Mercer's Neil Lloyd notes the recent emergence of serious industry dialogue on plan-to-plan retirement savings portability. Long a proponent of portability, Lloyd recognizes the inherent problems associated with holding multiple retirement saving accounts. In his piece, Lloyd strongly advocates for auto portability, stating that it "might be the solution to less efficient small-balance accounts." Lloyd goes further, opining that auto portability should be considered a legislative priority, writing that "SECURE ACT 2 will be vastly improved if provisions further supporting auto-portability are included."

EBRI's Research Establishes Auto Portability as a Leading Public Policy Initiative