Auto Portability - Recent Developments
Find the most-recent auto portability media coverage and developments.
Retirement Fintech to Add 300 Jobs, Quintuple Staff
Ignites reporter Beagan Wilcox-Volz examines in-depth the Tuesday, 8/11 announcement that Retirement Clearinghouse plans to add 300 employees to its Charlotte headquarters by 2026. Citing information provided by RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams, Wilcox-Volz links the expansion to the planned, nationwide roll-out of auto portability, to the firm's work with Alight Solutions and to the expectation that additional recordkeepers will sign up for the new technology.
The 'Tragicomedy' of 401k Cashout Leakage
In his 8/11/20 article in 401k Specialist, RCH’s Tom Hawkins characterizes the phenomenon of cashout leakage as a “tragicomedy” – incorporating aspects of both a tragedy and a comedy, but ultimately delivering a happy ending. While cashout leakage represents an ongoing tragedy, the term itself is goofy, and tough to take seriously, asserts Hawkins. However, recent events indicate that the widespread adoption of auto portability will finally deliver a happy ending to the problem.
Retirement Clearinghouse Expands in Charlotte, Adding 300 New Jobs
The City of Charlotte's Cory Burkarth covers the Tuesday, 8/11 announcement that RCH will expand it presence in Charlotte, adding 300 new employees and investing more than $4 million in their headquarters and corporate office. Burkharth reports that RCH will be moving into the Ayrsley development in Steele Creek, adding positions across the board. Burkharth notes that the benefits of RCH's auto portability solution are "staggering" and aligns well with the City's mission to improve economic mobility. The piece quotes RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams, as well as Charlotte mayor Vi Lyles, who lauds the expansion initiative.
Auto portability clearing the way for adoption
Writing in Pensions & Investments, Alight EVP Alison Borland articulates her strong advocacy of auto portability, which she describes as the "brainchild of Retirement Clearinghouse." Addressing the most important factors that influenced Alight Solutions’ decision to become a market leader in embracing the new plan feature, Borland cites auto portability’s benefits to the broader retirement ecosystem, while imploring her audience to join her firm in going "all-in on auto portability.”
FA Notes from the Publisher Mentions Alight-RCH Announcement
In her Tuesday update, Financial Advisor Magazine Publisher Cindy Taylor recaps the latest, hot topics covered by their reporters. In the update, Taylor singles out the efforts of FA Senior Editor Christopher Robbins, whose recent focus on fintech stories included filing a "piece looking at a new automated 401(k) program from Alight Solutions & Retirement Clearinghouse."
Alight Is the First RKer to Add This Kind of Feature
Reporting on Alight Solutions' 7/14/20 announcement that they will offer RCH Auto Portability to their DC recordkeeping clients, The 401kWire's Lauren Corradi interviews RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams to gain more insight. Williams states that "Alight's adoption sends an 'all clear' signal to all plan sponsors that RCH Auto Portability is a legitimate and beneficial service for their participants." In her piece, Corradi also quotes Alight's EVP Alison Borland.
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How to Automatically Transfer Your 401(k) Money When You Change Jobs
Lifehacker's Kate Dore reports on the nationwide launch of RCH Auto Portability, announced on 7/14/20, from the perspective of job-changing participants, whose transition could improve with the advent of the new plan feature. Dore references cashout leakage research by EBRI and Alight, and views the launch of auto portability as a positive development for plan participants.
Alight Solutions, RCH Launch New Form Of Automation For 401(k)s
Financial Advisor Magazine's Christopher Robbins reports on the official launch of the RCH Auto Portability program, informing readers about the 7/14/20 announcement by Alight Solutions that they'll offer the service to their defined contribution (DC) recordkeeping clientele. Robbins adds: "now retirement plan participants have a streamlined method to move balances from one 401(k) to another."