Auto Portability in the News

Browse the most comprehensive collection of articles in the media that feature auto portability.


How Auto Portability Serves Participants’ Best Interests - Part 1: Dramatically Improved Participant Outcomes

Plan sponsors considering the adoption of auto portability must determine that, by participating in the auto portability program, they are acting prudently and solely in the interests of their plan’s participants and beneficiaries. In this series, RCH's Tom Hawkins identifies five key reasons why an auto portability program serves the best interests of plan participants. Part 1 of the series examines the dramatically improved participant outcomes that will result from a program of auto portability.


Auto Portability: Preventer of 401k 'Leakage'

401kSpecialist's Brian Anderson finds a lot to like about auto portability in EBRI's Issue Brief No. 473, which compares outcomes of participants in 401k plans with auto-enrollment against defined benefit plans. The research, says Anderson, shows "how auto-portability in 401k plans could positively impact the retirement security for millions of job-changing Americans by preventing 401k plan leakage before it can occur." Anderson continues, writing: "[t]he concept of auto-portability is a darling of major retirement industry associations, and it’s not hard to see why."


2019 Retirement Outlook and Investment Insights Features Auto Portability

In PLANSPONSOR's Industry Voices, Jonathan Barry, senior retirement strategist at MFS Investment Management, discusses key trends retirement plan sponsors may expect to see in 2019, the issues they may face and offers his thoughts on how to address them. Turning to auto portability, Barry states that recent advances represent an "important step that will help with the issue of 'disrupted journeys,' which has become increasingly prevalent with more Americans working multiple jobs over their career."


BenefitsPRO: Auto-portability boosts 401(k) results in new EBRI research

In his 2/19/19 article in BenefitsPRO, RCH's Tom Hawkins examines new research, authored by EBRI Research Director Jack VanDerhei, Ph.D., comparing the retirement income generated by 401(k) plans with auto enrollment against defined benefit (DB) plans. While EBRI's primary objective was to address growing concern over the relative decline of DB plans, the study also identified significant, incremental benefits of auto portability, adding to a growing body of research from EBRI demonstrating that auto portability increases retirement security for 401(k) participants.


New EBRI Research Shows Millennials Benefit from Auto Portability

Expanding on research comparing DB plans vs. 401(k) plans with auto enrollment, on 2/14/19 EBRI released an infographic revealing the beneficial effect of auto portability on Milliennials. When auto portability is added to 401(k) plans, Millennials -- both male and female, for all years of eligibility, and for all income quartiles -- experience significant improvements in their 401(k) plan performance, as measured by equivalent break-even DB plan accrual rates. The latest EBRI analysis adds to a considerable body of evidence that auto portability is a leading retirement savings public policy initiative.


Why Auto Portability is Good for Your Retirement

Writing in IRIS, Joseph Conroy, CFP of Synergy Financial Group, examines auto portability from the perspective of the participant. Comparing participant outcomes that occur under the current system vs. those under auto portability, Conroy concludes that auto portability's benefits to participants are compelling, stating that "auto portability would be a benefit for retirement savers, both in the prevention of leakage and in streamlining accounts."


Auto Portability Boosts 401(k) Plan Results in New EBRI Research

RCH's Tom Hawkins examines new research, authored by EBRI Research Director Jack VanDerhei, Ph.D., comparing the retirement income generated by 401(k) plans with auto enrollment against defined benefit (DB) plans. While EBRI's primary objective was to address growing concern over the relative decline of DB plans, the study also identified significant, incremental benefits of auto portability, adding to a growing body of research from EBRI demonstrating that auto portability increases retirement security for 401(k) participants.


PlanAdviser: Senate Testimony Supports Auto Portability

PlanAdviser's Rebecca Moore, covering testimony offered to the Senate Special Committee on Aging, reports that Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States and head of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) "touted automatic enrollment and auto portability as ways DC plan enrollment and contribution levels can be encouraged." The Committee's hearing, held 2/6/19, addressed the topic "Financial Security in Retirement: Innovations and Best Practices to Promote Savings" and also included testimony from John Scott (The Pew Charitable Trusts), Linda K. Stone (WISER) and Denis St. Peter (CES, Inc.).

Top Five Misconceptions About Auto Portability