Auto Portability in the News

Browse the most comprehensive collection of articles in the media that feature auto portability.


Inc.: Switching Jobs? Your 401(k) Balance Could Be Automatically Transferred Under a New Federal Rule

Inc. features a syndicated piece by Myles Ma, originally published in Policygenius Magazine, examining the Department of Labor's recent, favorable actions on the RCH auto portability program. Taking a balanced approach, Ma explains the importance of the auto portability program in helping solve the "cash-out crisis", discusses how the program works, consults experts for their opinion and notes the public comment period, which ends Dec. 24th.


The Hill: Labor Department rightly trying to plug pension portability leaks

In his 11/19/18 opinion piece in The Hill, former U.S Treasury official and senior fellow in economic studies at The Brookings Institution Mark Iwry writes about his personal, 22-years long advocacy for 401(k) portability, dating back to the Clinton administration. Not much had changed in that time, says Iwry, until last week's guidance by the Department of Labor (DOL) on auto portability, led by the efforts of RCH executives Spencer Williams and Tom Johnson. With the way cleared by the DOL, Iwry notes that auto portability's success will now depend on the "willingness of cooperate so participants can enjoy expanded portability."


401k Wire: As the DoL Smiles, a Roll-In Specialist Ramps Up

The 401k Wire's Neal Anderson speaks with Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) President & CEO Spencer Williams to get the scoop on RCH's industry outreach and alliance-building activities, in the wake of recent favorable actions from the Department of Labor on the RCH auto portability program. Williams highlights some of the key conditions embedded in the Advisory Opinion and proposed transaction exemption, adding "we are thrilled to that we have these opinions" and "we're thrilled that the department recognized the public interest in auto-portability."


Arkansas Business: Glass Half-Full (Editorial)

The editors of Arkansas Business, in a humorously-titled editorial piece, note the inherent cynicism of journalists, but find some "reasons for cheer, and in time for Thanksgiving." First among their cheery topics is the U.S. Department of Labor's "experiment" to "reduce 401(k) leakage by allowing (Retirement Clearinghouse) to automatically transfer departing employees' accounts to their new employers' plans, what's called auto-portability."


Barron's: The 401(k) Turns 40, And Like All Birthdays, There’s Good and Bad

In their feature story marking the 40th anniversary of the 401(k), Barron's reporter Sarah Max takes a look at the past, present and future of the now-legendary plan brought to life by the Revenue Act of 1978. Although the "401(k) has been a huge success" Max identifies leakage as a persistent problem and notes the recent emergence of auto portability as a going-forward solution to the problem.


Barrons: How to Fix the 401(k)

As part of their overall feature "40 Years of the 401(k) - The Good, the Bad and the Future", Barron's reporter Sarah Max examines 5 initiatives that could help "fix" the 401(k). At the top of her list is auto portability, which Max indicates could "reduce leakage that occurs when employees cash out of small plans." Other initiatives also mentioned include multiple employer plans (MEPs), the Automatic Retirement Plan Act of 2017 (ARPA), Guaranteed Retirement Accounts, and Icon.


Retirement Income Journal: ‘Auto-Portability’ Gets Closer to Reality

Retirement Income Journal Editor & Publisher Kerry Pechter addresses the recent actions by the U.S. Department of Labor, moving RCH's auto portability program closer to widespread adoption. Pechter provides readers with important context on the DOL's actions, including RCH's ongoing efforts and the public policy arguments in favor of auto portability. Pechter then shares insights from RCH's CEO Spencer Williams and Head of Policy & Development Tom Johnson.


SHRM: 401(k) Hardship Withdrawals, Account Transfers Might Get Easier

SHRM's Stephen Miller reports on recent actions by the Treasury Department (affecting hardship withdrawals) and the Labor Department, seeking comment on the Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) auto portability program. The DOL's proposal, says Miller, "might keep retirement savings intact when an employee finds a new job" and added that "automatically transferring 401(k) accounts could leave departing participants with larger nest eggs since they would be less likely to cash out retirement funds."

Top Five Misconceptions About Auto Portability