Auto Portability in the News

Browse the most comprehensive collection of articles in the media that feature auto portability.


The Safe-Harbor IRA: Friend or Foe?

In his latest Consolidation Corner blog post, RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams draws much-needed attention to the downside of traditional safe harbor IRAs. While plans can benefit by practices that remove small-balance accounts, Williams argues that this benefit may be illusory, as former plan participants will likely cash out or become “stuck” with multiple accounts that deplete their savings – both scenarios that could expose sponsors to potential liability. Auto portability, says Williams, can reverse this dysfunctional dynamic, achieving better outcomes for plans and participants alike.


401k Auto Portability ‘Significantly Reduces’ Retirement Savings Gap: EBRI

401k Specialist Editor-in-Chief John Sullivan reviews EBRI's latest Issue Brief, which highlights the problem of 401(k) cashout leakage, while projecting impressive, beneficial impacts of auto portability on addressing the leakage issue. As Sullivan article leads off, "the numbers are in, and solid" and include analysis of auto portability's benefits as a standalone initiative, as well as in tandem with other policy initiatives that expand plan access. Regarding policies that expand access, Sullivan quotes EBRI Research Director Jack VanDerhei, who states “our analysis further suggests that an auto portability initiative that reduces plan leakage can materially augment such efforts.”


Auto portability would reduce plan leakage – EBRI study

P&I's Brian Croce reports on the new EBRI study examining the impacts of auto portability, finding that the plan feature "would significantly reduce plan leakage" -- estimated by EBRI at $92.4 billion per year. Croce recaps the impressive benefits projected for auto portability under EBRI's RSPM model, and notes the recent actions by the U.S. Department of Labor, who "gave Retirement Clearinghouse the green light to expand its auto-portability program, which is expected to reduce plan leakage and missing participants."


401(k) Auto-Portability Could Boost Retirement Savings by Billions

NAPA Net's Ted Godbout reports on a new EBRI study, released 8/15/19, that assesses the impact of auto portability on the nation's 401(k) system. Godbout highlights the benefits of auto portability to the entire system and to specific demographic groups, as well as the benefits of the feature when considered in tandem with other policy initiatives. Godbout concludes by noting that "these latest findings come on the heels of Retirement Clearinghouse receiving final approval from the Department of Labor granting relief from ERISA’s prohibited transaction restrictions to receive fees in relation to its auto-portability program, allowing the firm to move forward."


New EBRI Issue Brief Analyzes Auto Portability's Impact on Preserving Retirement Savings

On 8/15/19, the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) published a comprehensive Issue Brief addressing the impact of auto portability on preserving retirement savings lost to 401(k) cashout leakage. Authored by Jack VanDerhei, EBRI's Director of Research and announced in an EBRI press release, the analysis utilizes EBRI's Retirement Savings Projection Model (RSPM) to quantify auto portability's impressive benefits 1) as a standalone policy initiative, 2) for specific demographic segments and 3) in tandem with other policy initiatives that expand access to workplace retirement savings plans. Critically, the Issue Brief also highlights the ongoing severity of the 401(k) cashout leakage problem, which their model estimates at $92.4 billion per year as of 2015, and "representing a serious problem that affects the potential of 401(k) plans to produce adequate income replacement in retirement."


Defined Contribution Auto-Portability Program Is First To Gain DOL Approval

Mercer's Law and Policy Group reports on the finalized prohibited transaction exemption (PTE) obtained by Retirement Clearinghouse from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) for the RCH Auto Portability program. The article also addresses the broader regulatory framework, including Advisory Opinion 2018-01A, which identified certain fiduciary responsibilities of plan sponsors and of RCH.


DoL Green-Lights a Newer Auto Feature

The 401kWire covers the "long-awaited news from the Department of Labor" which arrived 7/31/19, in the form of a prohibited transaction exemption (PTE) for the RCH Auto Portability program. The publication quotes RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams, who states "it's been a long time in the making, and we're dancing in the streets right now, we're very happy with the final action."

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DOL Eases Auto Transfer of Left-Behind 401(k) Dollars to New Plans

SHRM's Stephen Miller reports on the ramifications of the DOL's 7/31/19 finalized prohibited transaction exemption (PTE) for RCH's Auto Portability program. Quoting RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams, the new guidance, when paired with the prior November 2018 Advisory Opinion, provides 401(k) plan sponsors with "guardrails they need to safely adopt auto portability." Miller's piece also quotes Jan Jacobson, senior counsel for the American Benefits Council, who states that auto portability "could significantly lessen the problems plan sponsors face in trying to locate missing 401(k) plan participants."

Top Five Misconceptions About Auto Portability