Auto Portability in the News

Browse the most comprehensive collection of articles in the media that feature auto portability.


DOL Eases Auto Transfer of Left-Behind 401(k) Dollars to New Plans

SHRM's Stephen Miller reports on the ramifications of the DOL's 7/31/19 finalized prohibited transaction exemption (PTE) for RCH's Auto Portability program. Quoting RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams, the new guidance, when paired with the prior November 2018 Advisory Opinion, provides 401(k) plan sponsors with "guardrails they need to safely adopt auto portability." Miller's piece also quotes Jan Jacobson, senior counsel for the American Benefits Council, who states that auto portability "could significantly lessen the problems plan sponsors face in trying to locate missing 401(k) plan participants."


401(k) Automatic Portability Gets Final DOL Nod

In his 8/06/19 article, Ignites reporter Emile Hallez addresses the US Department of Labor's "green light" to the RCH Auto Portability program, in the form of a final prohibited transaction exemption (PTE), issued 7/31/19. Hallez extensively quotes RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams, who emphasizes the importance of the PTE to the adoption of auto portability, as well as helping to "cure the missing participant problem" which he further characterizes as "a subject of intense interest among plan sponsors and recordkeepers." RCH EVP Tom Johnson is also quoted, offering his historical perspective on regulatory efforts and ongoing engagement with large recordkeepers.

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DOL Gives 401k ‘Auto Portability’ Major Boost

In his 8/6/19 article, 401k Specialist Editor-in-Chief John Sullivan addresses the DOL's recent guidance for the RCH Auto Portability program, stating that "the auto revolution in retirement plans (auto-enrollment, escalation, deferral) adds another option with the release last week of the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) final Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) for auto portability." Sullivan goes on to quote RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams, who states that published comments from industry trade groups regarding auto portability were “overwhelmingly positive” while also pointing out the "legal protections for plan sponsors to help small-balance participants preserve their savings."


DOL Exemption Paves Way for Auto Portability

PLANSPONSOR's Lee Barney covers the DOL's final prohibited transaction exemption (PTE) for the RCH Auto Portability program, interviewing RCH President and CEO Spencer Williams. In the article, Williams characterizes the DOL's action as the final regulatory guidance required for plan sponsors and recordkeepers to pursue the program, indicating that he is very encouraged, having worked the issue for five years, adding: "we are very passionate about creating a new benefit for participants and solving the leakage issue.”

Also featured in PlanAdviser


‘Auto-portability’ gets green light from DOL

In an 8/1/19 article, the editorial staff of the Retirement Income Journal covers the US Department of Labor's issuance of a final prohibited transaction exemption (PTE) for the RCH Auto Portability program. The article cites the final PTE as a key milestone in a five-year effort to gain regulatory approval for auto portability, and credits RCH executives Spencer Williams and Tom Johnson for their ongoing efforts since 2014.


Auto portability program gets thumbs up by regulators

In his 7/31/19 article, P&I Legal and Regulatory reporter Brian Croce covers the Department of Labor's issuance of their final prohibited transaction exemption (PTE) for RCH Auto Portability, stating that the DOL's action "gave Retirement Clearinghouse LLC the green light expand its auto-portability program, which is expected to reduce plan leakage and missing participants." Croce quotes Robert L. Johnson, founder and chairman of The RLJ Companies, as well as RCH Founder, President and CEO Spencer Williams.


DOL guidance gives OK to retirement savings auto portability program

Employee Benefit News' Caroline Hroncich reports on the Department of Labor's issuance of a final prohibited transaction exemption (PTE) for the RCH Auto Portability program, which she characterizes as "a move which may decrease the likelihood employees cash out their retirement plans when they switch jobs." Hroncich quotes RCH Founder, President and CEO Spencer Williams, as well as Jan Jacobson, senior counsel for retirement policy at the American Benefits Council.


DOL Okays RCH's Auto-Portability Program

NAPA Net's Ted Godbout covers breaking news that the US Department of Labor has granted final approval to Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) for a Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) for the RCH Auto Portability program. As Godbout states, "the RCH Program seeks to help eliminate duplicative fees and reduce retirement savings leakage by providing individuals who are changing jobs with a way to transfer retirement assets from their prior employers’ plans to their new employers’ plans." Godbout also references the DOL's Advisory Opinion 2018-01A, issued in November 2018, and cites EBRI research indicating that system-wide adoption of auto portability for "smaller accounts alone would save $1.5 trillion."

Also featured in ASPPA Net

Top Five Misconceptions About Auto Portability