Auto Portability in the News

Browse the most comprehensive collection of articles in the media that feature auto portability.


Why Missing 401k Participants Are So Misunderstood

Writing in 401k Specialist, RCH's Tom Hawkins examines the topic of missing participants, which he states: "is a problem that’s ill-defined and poorly understood, and where fundamental misunderstandings exist, inadequate solutions – paired with the prospect of unwanted regulatory attention or audits – can follow." Hawkins asserts that "taking proactive steps to conduct searches, and turning on plan features that promote retirement savings portability are the key steps required to getting off the missing participant treadmill."


Automatic-Retirement-Plan Options—Status and Outlook

Ed McCarthy, writing in Wealth Management, takes a look at the present state and future outlook for 'automatic' retirement plan options, and devotes attention to auto portability. McCarthy turns to Edward Gottfried, director of product at Betterment at Work, who characterizes auto-portability as a good idea. Gottfried is quoted in the article as stating: “I think [auto portability]'s definitely an area to watch in terms of new kinds of automatic provisions that might help streamline this industry, but also keep American savers in control of their retirement savings in a tighter way than they do right now.”


Why Missing Participants Are So Misunderstood

Writing in the Consolidation Corner blog, RCH's Tom Hawkins examines the topic of missing participants, which he states: "is a problem that’s ill-defined and poorly understood, and where fundamental misunderstandings exist, inadequate solutions – paired with the prospect of unwanted regulatory attention or audits – can follow." Hawkins asserts that "taking proactive steps to conduct searches, and turning on plan features that promote retirement savings portability are the key steps required to getting off the missing participant treadmill."


Advisers in conversation: Creating lifetime income in retirement

EBN's Stephanie Schomer interviews 401(k) legend Ted Benna, responsible for designing and implementing the first 401(k) savings plan, and Mandy Zatto, co-founder and principal, Strategic Benefits Advisors. When the topic turns to job-changing participants and how to protect their nest egg, both Benna and Zatto find praise for auto portability, for Retirement Clearinghouse, and for the recently-introduced Senate legislation containing provisions that support the new plan feature.


Nevin & Fred: EARN, RISE & SHINE, Auto-Portability & the Way(s) Forward

In their ongoing podcast series featured in NAPA Net, American Retirement Association Chief Content Officer Nevin Adams and ERISA fiduciary expert Fred Reish discuss the latest retirement public policy initiatives to emanate from Washington, DC. In their discussion, Adams and Reish focus extensively on the Senate's Enhancing American Retirement Now (EARN) Act of 2022. The podcast's hosts go in-depth on the bill's auto portability provisions, which they view highly favorably, and Adams supplies listeners with an excellent overview of how auto portability works.


Newly Proposed Legislation Can Help Resolve America’s Retirement-Savings Gaps

Writing in the RCH Consolidation Corner blog, RCH founder, president & CEO Spencer Williams delves into recently-proposed legislation in the U.S. Senate, making the case that its auto portability-related provisions will make a real difference in the retirement security of millions of hardworking Americans. Citing Vanguard's recently-released How America Saves report, Williams notes that the highly-respected annual report "underscored that premature cash-outs of small 401(k) balances continue to threaten retirement readiness for plan participants, especially those who are younger and have less savings." Williams quotes the Vanguard research as concluding that "[a]uto portability services and revisions to minimum balance rules can help decrease cash out rates." Williams goes on to praise the Senate's bipartisan approach to the bill, adding: "[i}f the legislation is signed into law, the retirement-savings gaps in our society can begin to be filled."


Brown, Scott Introduce Bill to Increase Retirement Security

U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) announces on his website ( that he and U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) have introduced the bipartisan Advancing Auto-Portability Act of 2022, a bill that would allow a worker’s 401(k) savings account to be automatically rolled over from a previous employer to a new employer. The legislation would cut red tape to help Americans who change jobs frequently to increase retirement savings.


How Auto Portability Can Help Resolve America's Retirement Savings Crisis

Writing in Financial Adviser Magazine, noted private wealth expert Russ Alan Prince interviews Spencer Williams, RCH's founder, president & CEO about the company's new automatic feature, auto portability. The interview provides a clear overview of auto portability, including what it is, benefits to both plans and their participants, where the industry is heading and actionable steps that participants can take to maximize their retirement outcomes.

Top Five Misconceptions About Auto Portability