Auto Portability in the News

Browse the most comprehensive collection of articles in the media that feature auto portability.


How Consultants Can Miss the Mark on 401(k) Automatic Rollovers

401(k) plan consultants have been forceful advocates for the adoption of best practices at leading retirement plan sponsors. However, when it comes to automatic rollover programs, plan consultants sometimes miss the mark, at least in terms of participant outcomes. RCH's Tom Hawkins, writing in the Consolidation Corner blog, makes the case that 401(k) plan consultants should extend their analysis to emphasize those automatic rollover program components that help participants improve their retirement outcomes by avoiding cashouts, moving their retirement savings forward, and keeping their stay in safe harbor IRAs as brief as possible.


401k Plans: An Ongoing Public-Private Partnership That Works

In observance of National 401(k) Day on Friday, September 9th, RCH's Tom Hawkins takes the opportunity to reflect on the long-running, highly successful public-private collaboration that has fostered the rapid ascendance of America’s 401(k) system. Writing in 401k Specialist Magazine, Hawkins states that "this partnership will continue to drive innovations that will expand and improve the 401k system for millions of Americans – not only helping them to save more but preserving more of their savings for retirement."


401(k) Plans: An Ongoing Public-Private Partnership That Works

In observance of National 401(k) Day on Friday, September 9th, RCH's Tom Hawkins takes the opportunity to reflect on the long-running, highly successful public-private collaboration that has fostered the rapid ascendance of America’s 401(k) system. Hawkins writes that "this partnership will continue to drive innovations that will expand and improve the 401(k) system for millions of Americans – not only helping them to save more but preserving more of their savings for retirement."


Every Dollar Saved for Retirement Matters -- So Save More By Avoiding Cash-Outs & Consolidating 401(k) Accounts

RCH Founder, President & CEO Spencer Williams examines the implications of a study from Boston College's Center for Retirement Research, finding that the youngest Baby Boomers, with less access to defined benefit (DB) plans than their predecessors, are drawing down their 401(k)-based retirement savings at much faster rates, with many poised to run out of retirement savings by age 85. These findings underscore the need to preserve more 401(k) savings for younger generations, and according to Williams, the best way to do that is "to consolidate 401(k) savings accounts.....and to avoid making any premature cash-outs." Sponsors, states Williams, " participants save more for retirement, so they don’t outlive their savings, by adopting auto portability.


How proposed legislation can help resolve retirement-savings gaps

Writing in Employee Benefit News, RCH founder, president & CEO Spencer Williams delves into recently-proposed legislation in the U.S. Senate, making the case that its auto portability-related provisions will make a real difference in the retirement security of millions of hardworking Americans. Citing Vanguard's recently-released How America Saves report, Williams notes that the highly-respected annual report "underscored that premature cash-outs of small 401(k) balances continue to threaten retirement readiness for plan participants, especially those who are younger and have less savings." Williams quotes the Vanguard research as concluding that "[a]uto portability services and revisions to minimum balance rules can help decrease cash out rates." Williams goes on to praise the Senate's bipartisan approach to the bill, adding: "[i}f the legislation is signed into law, the retirement-savings gaps in our society can begin to be filled."


3 Ways 401k Plan Sponsors Can Boost Participant Awareness

Writing in 401k Specialist, RCH's Tom Hawkins draws attention to National Financial Awareness Day, which falls on August 14th. In his piece, Hawkins offers plan sponsors 3 steps they can take to increase financial awareness. Plan sponsors who follow these steps, asserts Hawkins, "won’t simply produce more awareness in the minds of their participants, they’ll generate quantifiable results, coming in the form of decreased cashouts, higher levels of consolidation and average plan balances, as well as a lower incidence of missing participants."


Three Ways 401(k) Plan Sponsors Can Boost Participants’ Awareness on National Financial Awareness Day

Writing in the RCH Consolidation Corner blog, Tom Hawkins draws attention to National Financial Awareness Day, which falls on August 14th. In his piece, Hawkins offers plan sponsors 3 steps they can take to increase financial awareness. Plan sponsors who follow these steps, asserts Hawkins, "won’t simply produce more awareness in the minds of their participants, they’ll generate quantifiable results, coming in the form of decreased cashouts, higher levels of consolidation and average plan balances, as well as a lower incidence of missing participants."


401(k) Fees Lower than IRA Alternative

Steff Chalk, 401kTV's Managing Editor, informs readers about new Pew Charitable Trust research that finds 401(k) fees can be lower than IRA fees, often by a wide margin. Chalk links the research findings to auto portability, noting that policymakers could act by "furthering auto portability as a way to transfer assets between retirement plans."

Top Five Misconceptions About Auto Portability