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Lifetime plan participation blog posts
The Missing Piece in 401(k) Retirement Income: Consolidation
Over the span of their working lives, Baby Boomers have witnessed the birth of 401(k) plans as optional, "supplemental" retirement plans, seen the rapid spread of 401(k) plans throughout the U.S. retirement system, and tracked the evolution of the 401(k) plan into the primary and often, only -- retirement savings plan to be offered by their employers.
One 2017 New Year’s Resolution for Plan Sponsors: Encourage Roll-Ins
As 2016 draws to a close, most observers will reflect upon the events that have dominated retirement industry news coverage: the Fiduciary Rule, the 10-year anniversary of the Pension Protection Act, and the Presidential election. These events will clearly shape plan sponsors’ activities and priorities for the New Year.
Miracle on Retirement Street
In his latest article in MarketWatch, RetireMentor and RCH CEO Spencer Williams gets us into the festive, holiday spirit by showcasing the “miracle” of compound interest. Compound interest is particularly relevant to retirement savers, whose nest eggs will incubate over a career.
What is Synthetic Tenure, and Why is it Important?
The easiest way for a plan participant to achieve lifetime participation in the U.S. retirement system is to work for the same employer for 40 years or more.
How You Should Observe ‘National Save for Retirement Week’
In his most recent article in MarketWatch, RCH’s Spencer Williams notes the upcoming ‘National Save for Retirement Week’ event, and employs some clever word-association that has readers re-thinking the meaning of the word “save.”
The One Solution Everyone in DC Agrees Upon: We Need Consolidation
There is one topic that everyone in Washington, D.C. seems to agree upon: the importance of consolidation in protecting Americans' retirement security.
The ABCs of Roll-ins
This video presentation is designed to give the viewer a basic understanding of the concepts of qualified plan roll-in contributions.
Advice college graduates won't hear at commencement: "Strive for 25"
As they set out into the working world, RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams counsels the Class of 2016 on the importance of developing good saving habits from the very beginning. Using the phrase "Strive for 25" Williams notes that the $25,000 retirement savings threshold is a critical milestone that all graduates should target.