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The Saver's Match and Auto Portability: A Powerful Combination
Two groundbreaking retirement savings initiatives could be poised to converge, potentially revolutionizing the way Americans save for retirement. The Saver's Match program, set to debut with the 2027 tax year, and auto portability, powered by the Portability Services Network (PSN), present a unique opportunity to address long-standing challenges in the retirement system. By leveraging the strengths of both programs, we can create a more robust and efficient retirement savings ecosystem that benefits millions of American workers.
Two Saver’s Match Resources Now Available
Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) has launched two new Saver’s Match resources, which offer plan sponsors, plan providers and participants with consolidated information about the Saver’s Match program, as well as a new saver-focused tool – the Saver’s Match Estimator – which will calculate an estimated matching contribution under the program. RCH encourages everyone to use the new tools, and to share them within their network.
Taking Stock of the Saver’s Match: The Promise and The Challenges
Slated to begin operation with the 2027 tax year, the Saver’s Match program is coming more sharply into focus. While research is still ongoing, the picture being revealed is one of massive potential to increase retirement savings and to help close the minority wealth gap. These benefits may not come easily, given the sheer size of the population affected by the Saver’s Match, and the challenges that the program could face in getting up-to-speed. At the Annual iOme Challenge Forum, held on 6/20/24 by the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER), RCH & PSN President and CEO Spencer Williams, along with Morningstar’s Jack VanDerhei, took stock of both the promise and the challenges represented by the Saver’s Match program.
Robert L. Johnson Gives Keynote Address at 2024 EBRI Spring Policy Forum
On May 16th, Robert L. (Bob) Johnson, Chairman of The RLJ Companies, Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) and the Portability Services Network (PSN), delivered the keynote address to the 2024 EBRI Spring Policy Forum, co-hosted by the American Benefits Council. In Johnson’s address, entitled “Helping to narrow the nation’s lingering racial wealth gap” – the legendary Black American entrepreneur gave Forum attendees insight into the businessman’s long, purpose-driven journey to create entrepreneurial solutions to social problems, including his current efforts in the retirement sector, where he’s become laser-focused on leveraging public/private sector solutions that narrow the wealth gap for minorities and women.
America’s Mobile Workforce Meets Their Saver’s Match
A new survey of American workers who would be eligible to receive a Saver’s Match federal matching contribution confirms the significant public policy benefits that the program could have in leveling the playing field for lower income savers – particularly for Black and Hispanic workers – while also finding that high levels of worker mobility could pose challenges in administering millions of annual matching contribution payments.
Four Retirement Initiatives Vital to Closing the Racial Wealth Gap
Writing in the RCH Consolidation Corner blog, Tom Hawkins examines four retirement initiatives that could help in closing America's racial wealth gap. Leading off the article, Hawkins cites U.S. Treasury research identifying a significant racial wealth gap that has remained essentially unchanged over the past 20 years. In the retirement space, Hawkins identifies expanded access, auto portability, emergency savings and the Saver's Match as key initiatives that will make significant contributions to closing the gap, provided that retirement plan sponsors fully embrace and support them.