Retirement Clearinghouse in the News

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Retirement Fintech to Add 300 Jobs, Quintuple Staff

Ignites reporter Beagan Wilcox-Volz examines in-depth the Tuesday, 8/11 announcement that Retirement Clearinghouse plans to add 300 employees to its Charlotte headquarters by 2026. Citing information provided by RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams, Wilcox-Volz links the expansion to the planned, nationwide roll-out of auto portability, to the firm's work with Alight Solutions and to the expectation that additional recordkeepers will sign up for the new technology.



The 'Tragicomedy' of 401k Cashout Leakage

In his 8/11/20 article in 401k Specialist, RCH’s Tom Hawkins characterizes the phenomenon of cashout leakage as a “tragicomedy” – incorporating aspects of both a tragedy and a comedy, but ultimately delivering a happy ending. While cashout leakage represents an ongoing tragedy, the term itself is goofy, and tough to take seriously, asserts Hawkins. However, recent events indicate that the widespread adoption of auto portability will finally deliver a happy ending to the problem.


NC Governor: RCH to Expand Headquarters, Adding 300 Jobs in Mecklenburg County

NC Governor Roy Cooper, through his official website, announces that "Retirement Clearinghouse, LLC (RCH), a leading national name in retirement plan services, will create 300 new jobs in Mecklenburg County." Gov. Cooper went on to state “North Carolina continues to attract innovative technology companies like Retirement Clearinghouse" adding "[t]his Mecklenburg County expansion highlights the region and how its talented workforce can help tech companies reach their business goals.”


NC Department of Commerce Announces RCH Expansion Plans for Mecklenburg County

The NC Department of Commerce issues its official announcement that Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) will create 300 new jobs in Mecklenburg County. The Department's announcement aligns closely with an earlier announcement from the NC Office of the Governor, and quotes NC Governor Roy Cooper, Commerce Secretary Anthony Copeland and RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams. The announcement identifies other key partners in the project to include the North Carolina Community College System, Mecklenburg County, the City of Charlotte, and the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance.


Retirement Clearinghouse Expands in Charlotte, Adding 300 New Jobs

The City of Charlotte's Cory Burkarth covers the Tuesday, 8/11 announcement that RCH will expand it presence in Charlotte, adding 300 new employees and investing more than $4 million in their headquarters and corporate office. Burkharth reports that RCH will be moving into the Ayrsley development in Steele Creek, adding positions across the board. Burkharth notes that the benefits of RCH's auto portability solution are "staggering" and aligns well with the City's mission to improve economic mobility. The piece quotes RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams, as well as Charlotte mayor Vi Lyles, who lauds the expansion initiative.


Retirement Clearinghouse will add 300 jobs in Charlotte

Business Today NC reports that Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) will invest $4.1 million to expand their headquarters and corporate offices in Charlotte, creating 300 new jobs. The piece goes on quote NC Governor Roy Cooper, NC Commerce Secretary Anthony Copeland and RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams.


Retirement Clearinghouse to expand headquarters, adding 300 jobs in Mecklenburg County

Charlotte's FOX 46 reports on today's news from the NC Office of the Governor that Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) will create 300 jobs in Mecklenburg County, and will invest more than $4.1 million to expand its headquarters and corporate office in Charlotte. The article quotes NC Governor Roy Cooper and RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams.


Fintech firm adding 300 jobs, investing more than $4M in Charlotte HQ expansion

WBTV's Web Staff reports on today's announcement by the state of North Carolina that Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) will expand its local presence, adding 300 jobs and investing more than $400 million as they expand their Charlotte headquarters. The article includes quotes from RCH's President & CEO Spencer Williams, as well as Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles.
