Retirement plan portability blog posts


Saving For Retirement is not a Trivial Pursuit

In his March 3rd column in MarketWatch, RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams establishes an important link between the board games we played as children (ex. Candy Land, Trivial Pursuit and Snakes & Ladders) and the games we can play in adulthood, while managing our retirement savings. The children's games are harmless, fun and instructive, but the adult retirement games (ex. Cashing Out, Stranding Accounts, and Not Updating Your Address) are anything but.


Tales from the Roll-In Front Lines, Part II

In a previous post, Tales from the Roll-In Front Lines, Part I, we described a roll-in transaction gone awry: a comedy of errors that occurs all too often when service providers are unfamiliar with consolidating retirement savings from one plan into another.


Cutting the Gordian Knot: Portability & Small Accounts

Have you ever wondered why so few participants move their old 401(k)s into their current employers' plans? Or why so many participants prematurely cash out their retirement savings accounts, regardless of taxes and penalties? Or why job-changing participants leave their savings behind only to lose track of them as if their assets for retirement belong on some remote desert island away from all their other savings?


Tales from the Roll-In Front Lines, Part I

In previous articles, we have discussed the many benefits that occur when participants roll in multiple retirement savings accounts into their current employer's 401(k) account. Participants benefit from reduced cash outs, lower investment fees and simplified retirement planning. A program of facilitated roll-ins delivers positive results for plans as well, including increased average balances, lower record keeping costs and improved retirement readiness metrics.


Four New Year's Resolutions for Retirement Savers Summary

In his 1/20/16 MarketWatch column (Four New Year's Resolutions for Retirement Savers), Retirement Clearinghouse CEO Spencer Williams offers four New Year's resolutions that all 2016 job-changers should take to heart, including...


Washington Recognizes Need for Retirement Plan Portability Solutions

Clearly, Washington DC is now "getting it" when it comes to retirement plan portability. In November 2015, Senator Patty Murray and other influential members of Congress delivered a letter to Department of Labor Secretary Perez urging action on Auto Portability. Now, we have strong comments from President Obama in his final State Of The Union address on the need for more portable retirement savings.


Sponsors: "Pay It Forward" by Embracing Roll-Ins

We humans are not islands. Everything we do affects the people, neighborhoods and ecosystems around us in some way. One act of kindness for another person can inspire the recipient to perform a good deed for someone else, and through a ripple effect, many others can benefit.


Let a Roll-In Increase Your Retirement Income

In his 10/2/15 MarketWatch article Let a Roll-in Increase Your Retirement Income, RCH President & CEO J. Spencer Williams advises retirement savers to bring their savings with them, vs. leaving their accounts behind -- or worse, cashing out.
