Consolidation Corner Blog

Consolidation Corner is the Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) blog, and features the latest articles and bylines from our executives, addressing important retirement savings portability topics.


The New Urgency for Mitigating 401(k) Account Cash-Outs

Findings in a recent study by the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia (UBC) underscore that, despite all of the media articles offering tips for how to save more for retirement, many Americans still make the self-destructive decision to cash out their savings following a job separation. RCH’s Spencer Williams, writing in the RCH Consolidation Corner blog, reminds readers that “there are solutions in place for 401(k) plan sponsors and recordkeepers to help participants avoid the all-too-easy decision to cash out their savings” including auto portability, which is also supported by substantial research demonstrating its efficacy in preventing cashout leakage.


The 401(k) “House-Cleaning” to Come

The increase in the automatic rollover threshold from $5,000 to $7,000, as provided for in section 304 of the SECURE 2.0 legislation, will become effective for mandatory distributions made after December 31, 2023. What will be the impact of these provisions, if fully embraced by plan sponsors? One thing is certain – on both a one-time and ongoing basis, far more terminated participants will be subject to the automatic rollover provisions of their former-employers’ plans. Writing in the RCH Consolidation Corner blog, Tom Hawkins explores the impact of an increased threshold that, when paired with the advent of auto portability and the operational status of the Portability Services Network (PSN), could mean that small balance terminated participants will finally come out on top.


Five Tips for Documenting Missing Participant Searches

If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? Opinions are split on this weighty philosophical matter, but a more-definitive answer to another question may surprise you. If a search for a missing participant is not properly documented, is it a diligent search? To regulatory authorities who may scrutinize a plan sponsor’s search efforts, the answer is decidedly “no.” For a regulator to consider a search to be diligent, it must be well-documented, and to do otherwise can result in audits, penalties and increased fiduciary risk. In his latest piece in RCH's Consolidation Corner blog, Tom Hawkins offers readers five tips that will help them better-document their missing participant searches.


As Time Passes, The Gains Become Harder

RCH's Tom Hawkins, writing in the Consolidation Corner blog, observes that our nearly 45 year-old defined contribution system may face diminishing returns as it tries to generate future growth, and should focus on quality and efficiency as it simultaneously expands access. Using fitness as an analogy, Hawkins offers a "workout plan" for the DC system, including plugging leakage through increased portability and emergency savings, while fostering increased retirement savings consolidation to avoid an explosion in small accounts. When combined with expanded access initiatives, these measures can dramatically increase Americans' retirement security, over and above expanding access alone.


Highway Through the 'Danger Zone'

Writing in the Consolidation Corner blog, RCH's Tom Hawkins notes that the issue of 401(k) cashout leakage is "once again in the news, with the publication of an alarming study by academics, as well as new data from Fidelity Investments." Hawkins goes on to cite "compelling real-world data that supports the efficacy of retirement savings portability in dramatically reducing unnecessary cashout leakage" -- representing "a much-needed highway through the ‘danger zone’ of unnecessary cashout leakage, increasing retirement security for millions of job-changing 401(k) participants."


Financial Literacy Can Help Close the Minority Wealth Gap for Retirement Savings

In observance of Financial Literacy Month, RCH and PSN President & CEO Spencer Williams offers his perspective on how “members of the retirement services industry have an opportunity to pause and think about how they can help empower more people to achieve a financially secure retirement.” Williams notes that plan sponsors and recordkeepers have a vital role in preventing premature 401(k) cashouts via education about their detrimental effects and through the adoption of auto portability “which can enable them to transport and consolidate their accounts instead.”


A Renaissance for Auto Enrollment

Writing in the RCH Consolidation Corner blog, Tom Hawkins examines the past, present and potential future of automatic enrollment, the popular 401(k) plan feature that has made great strides since 2007, but has faced headwinds in achieving adoption in high-turnover enterprises. Now, thanks to a SECURE 2.0 mandate for new plans, along with the retirement industry's embrace of auto portability, auto enrollment may soon undergo a "renaissance" and enter its final phase of growth, delivering disproportionate benefits to under-saved and under-served workers, including minorities, women and those with lower incomes.


The Important Task of Determining Participants’ Life Status

Determining retirement plan participants’ life status is an important, albeit uncomfortable task for plan sponsors. The cost of not knowing participants’ life status, or worse, in getting it wrong – can be significant – for the participants, for their beneficiaries and for the plan itself. RCH's Tom Hawkins, writing in the RCH Consolidation Corner blog, examines the challenges facing plan sponsors in determining life status and identifies three proactive strategies for timely and accurate monitoring of changes.
