Retirement Clearinghouse in the News

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How could changing regulatory and business practices help to reduce 401(k) leakage?

Writing in their Research Minute blog, the DCIIA Retirement Research Center recaps a presentation by David John, senior strategic policy advisor at AARP, at their March 2022 RRC Summit. John shared current and ongoing research on retirement rollovers and the problem of plan leakage, including voicing his support for "supporting 'automatic portability' rollovers between employer plans when employees change jobs."


401k Auto Portability Featured in Senate HELP Committee Hearing

Writing in 401k Specialist Magazine, Renée Wilder Guerin, RCH’s EVP of Public Policy, examines the 3/29/22 hearing held by the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP), which focused on solutions that would enhance retirement security for Americans, particularly those who are under-served and under-saved. Two of the four witnesses, WISER’s Cindy Hounsell and The Aspen Institute’s Ida Rademacher offered testimony highlighting the benefits of auto portability in leveling the playing field for women, minorities, and lower income workers. The latest hearing, writes Wilder Guerin “builds on previous Senate hearings and fuels growing momentum for auto portability among legislators, policymakers, advocacy groups, providers and plan sponsors.”


PSCA Executive Report Recaps Senate HELP Committee Hearing

PSCA's Executive Report provides its plan sponsor membership with highlights from the 3/29/22 U.S. Senate HELP Committee's hearing on improving retirement security. The hearing featured testimony from Cindy Hounsell, President and Founder of the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER), and Ida Rademacher (The Aspen Institute), who both addressed the need for improved retirement savings portability. Hounsell's testimony referenced three interventions that could help, including "auto-portability to help prevent workers who change jobs from cashing out their retirement savings. "


Senate HELP Committee to Act on Retirement Security Legislation

NAPA Net's Ted Godbout covers the 3/29/22 U.S. Senate HELP Committee's hearing on improving retirement security. The hearing featured testimony from Cindy Hounsell, President and Founder of the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement (WISER), and Ida Rademacher (The Aspen Institute), who both addressed the need for enhanced retirement savings portability. Hounsell's testimony referenced three interventions that could help, including "auto-portability to help prevent workers who change jobs from cashing out their retirement savings. "

Also featured in ASPPA Net


Auto Portability May Help Manage Fiduciary Risk

Writing for 401kTV, Steff Chalk, Executive Director of The Retirement Advisor University, examines the perspective offered by RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams, whose recent article in BenefitsPro suggests that the Hughes v. Northwestern University ruling could expose plan sponsors to fiduciary risk related to excess cash-out leakage. Since auto portability acts to preserve retirement savings, Chalk writes that "auto portability may be making a grand entrance" and the recent developments "appear to make auto portability solutions worthy of sponsors’ consideration."


How to Improve Retirement Readiness in Under-represented Groups

ASPPA Net's Ted Godbout reviews the latest research report from Alight Solutions, entitled "Improving Retirement Readiness for Underrepresented Groups." Reporting on Alight's findings, Godbout highlights the six steps that Alight offers plan sponsors to increase retirement savings for historically under-represented groups. As one of those steps, Alight advises sponsors that "implementing auto-portability can help reduce the number of automatic cash-outs that occur when people change employers" and that auto portability's impact is "most profound for marginalized groups."

Also featured in NAPA Net


What 401k Advisors Need to Know About Auto Portability

Writing in 401k Specialist, RCH EVP and Chief Revenue Officer Neal Ringquist speaks directly to financial advisors on auto portability. Ringquist firmly believes that financial advisors will enjoy significant benefits from auto portability, but understands that all advisors may not “be there” yet in terms of fully understanding what auto portability is, how they stand to benefit from it, and how they should assess auto portability’s prospects for success. Ringquist walks advisors through important facts, data and information that should facilitate better understanding of auto portability and how it could positively impact their practices.


Supreme Court ruling highlights an expansive definition of plan fiduciary

Writing in BenefitsPro, RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams examines the U.S. Supreme Court's recent Hughes v. Northwestern University ruling, which underscored the need for plan sponsors to err on the side of more rather than less, when considering the scope of their fiduciary responsibilities. While the case focused on high-cost investment options, Williams suggests that the ruling could expose plan sponsors to fiduciary risk for decisions that produce unnecessarily high levels of cash-out leakage, a risk that could be avoided if plan sponsors were to proactively adopt asset portability solutions, such as auto portability.
