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Retirement Clearinghouse in the News
Find news articles referencing RCH and our services, including Auto Portability
Could this simple proposal help boost retirement savings?
In his 1/8/18 article in the Journal of Accountancy, Lou Carlozo examines auto portability, which has the potential to "impact the retirement plans of millions for the better." Carlozo details the progress auto portability is making with the Department of Labor, referencing the July 2017 letter from Senate Republicans. Carlozo extensively quotes RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams, as well as other industry experts, on the positive outlook for auto portability and its potential for solving the 401(k) "leakage" problem.
401k Specialist: Why Auto Portability Makes Everything Better
Great all by itself, auto portability also makes other retirement savings public policy initiatives a lot better.
A blueprint for reuniting orphaned 401(k) accounts with their owners
In his latest article for Employee Benefit News, RCH President and CEO Spencer Williams describes a blueprint that’s already been established for implementing a best practice default retirement plan feature, such as auto enrollment. The blueprint Williams describes includes obtaining behavioral research confirmation, guidance from Washington, and commercial implementation – a blueprint currently being followed for auto portability.
The Motley Fool Features Retirement Clearinghouse Cash Out Research
In her 12/06/17 article "Here's Why Cashing Out a 401(k) Is the Worst Money Mistake You Might Ever Make", The Motley Fool's Maurie Backman cites RCH cash out research, mentioning that "nearly 6 million employees are expected to cash out their 401(k)s within eight years of leaving their employers, according to data compiled by Retirement Clearinghouse."
NAPA Net's Ted Godbout Covers Boston Research Technologies White Paper on Auto Portability
In his 12/6/17 article in NAPA Net, Ted Godbout covers the recent Boston Research Technologies white paper “Making the Right Choice the Easiest Choice: Eliminating Friction and Leaks in America’s Defined Contribution System” -- which documents the key findings of the initial market launch of auto portability.
401kTV Features Boston Research Technologies' Findings on Auto Portability
401kTV's Robyn Kurdek examines Boston Research Technologies' research on the initial launch of auto portability.
Market Wrap with Moe Discusses 401k Auto Portability
Moe Ansari talks 401k auto portability with Kerry Pechter, publisher of the Retirement Income Journal.
Changes Coming to Your 401(k) in 2018 – What Do They Mean for You?
Quicken Loans' Dan Rafter discusses upcoming changes to 401(k) plans in 2018 with Edward Dressel, including auto portability.