Consolidation Corner Blog

Consolidation Corner is the Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) blog, and features the latest articles and bylines from our executives, addressing important retirement savings portability topics.


Auto Portability is an Easily Quantifiable Solution for Helping Participants Achieve Financial Wellness

In his latest article in RCH’s Consolidation Corner, CEO Spencer Williams addresses the conundrum facing employers, who are committed to promoting their employees’ financial wellness, but also face the grim reality of excessive retirement savings leakage, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. By adopting auto portability, Williams contends that plan sponsors can “easily quantify their financial wellness efforts” while getting out in front of cashout leakage.


The Case for Auto Portability Gets Stronger

The case for auto portability, the new 401(k) plan default feature that automatically transfers small-balance retirement savings when participants change jobs, has always been strong. Now, with the April 22nd release of EBRI’s 31st Annual Retirement Confidence Survey (RCS), the case has grown even stronger. with nearly 9 in 10 plan participants expressing their preference for the auto portability feature.


Cracking the Code to True 401(k) Portability

America’s 401(k) system, long plagued by friction, produces $92.4 billion of excessive cash-out leakage annually. In recent years and culminating in 2021, the private sector has finally “cracked the code” and is delivering innovative fintech solutions, combined with education and personal assistance to reduce friction and to enable true 401(k) portability.


What’s Missing from Many Plans? Current Addresses for Participants

Writing in RCH's Consolidation Corner blog, RCH President & CEO cautions plan sponsors to be wary of an increased incidence of missing participants arising from COVID-19 related migration patterns. To make the case, Williams links 2020 migration data with recent address location research conducted by RCH. Taken together, these data points suggest that sponsors could soon be faced with a higher-than-expected incidence of "hidden" stale addresses. In response, Williams suggests that sponsors consider a program of "robust missing participant search techniques" including the use of more-reliable, "optimized" electronic searches.


Consolidating the Gains from a Program of Retirement Savings Portability

Following on to the 2013 study by Boston Research Group (now Boston Research Technologies), a new study released by Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) revisits a mega plan sponsor’s ongoing experience with a program of 401(k) retirement savings portability, and finds that not only have the benefits of the original program persisted, they’ve grown, with plan participants continuing to realize significant, measurable benefits.


Auto Portability Is, And Always Will Be, A Bipartisan Solution

RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams, writing in Consolidation Corner, addresses the consistent bipartisan support that auto portability has enjoyed in DC. This support, writes Williams, transcends party affiliation, extending across multiple Presidential administrations as well as both legislative branches of the U.S. Congress, and falls squarely in-line with policy initiatives that advance the interests of minority and low-income workers. Williams provides readers with an impressive, years-long list of actions & endorsements that reflect auto portability's broad-based support, which culminated last year with the nationwide rollout of the program.


This One Simple Trick Radically Boosts Financial Wellness!

Writing in RCH's Consolidation Corner, Tom Hawkins offers 401(k) plan sponsors "one simple trick" -- retirement savings portability -- to radically boost their participants' financial wellness. Best of all, writes Hawkins, "adopting a program of retirement savings portability has never been easier" and the measurable benefits accrue not only to participants, but to the plan, the retirement system and even to retirement savings public policy initiatives.


Missing Participants: Five Important Considerations for Plan Sponsors

Writing in RCH's Consolidation Corner, Tom Hawkins offers retirement plan sponsors five important considerations that can help focus their efforts in designing, implementing and administering an effective program of locating missing participants. By staying focused on some key principles, including the adoption of sound search practices and retirement savings portability, plan sponsors can successfully navigate their near-term missing participant problems, while positioning their plan for far fewer problems in the future.
