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Consolidation Corner Blog
Consolidation Corner is the Retirement Clearinghouse (RCH) blog, and features the latest articles and bylines from our executives, addressing important retirement savings portability topics.
The Most Urgent New Year’s Resolutions for Plan Sponsors
RCH President & CEO Spencer Williams offers plan sponsors 3 crucial resolutions for 2018, including: 1) ending automatic cash-outs, 2) offering roll-ins as part of a financial wellness program, and 3) engaging all participants on crucial decision-making.
Auto Portability Makes Everything Better
In his December 2017 Consolidation Corner blog post, Tom Hawkins writes about auto portability's special qualities. Great all by itself, auto portability also makes a lot of other retirement savings public policy initiatives a lot better.
The Best Blueprint for Improving Retirement Security
RCH President & CEO addresses a blueprint for improving retirement security, incorporating the widespread adoption of auto portability.
The Results Are In: Auto Portability is a Winner!
On 11/7/17, Warren Cormier of Boston Research Technologies published a white paper “Making the Right Choice the Easiest Choice: Eliminating Friction and Leaks in America’s Defined Contribution System.” The key findings of the research confirm that auto portability is a winner, with significant pent-up demand in our defined contribution system.
How to Contain the Damage from the Small-Account Explosion
Small Accounts Continue to Plague Plans.
In Search Of: Guidance for Locating Missing Participants
This article focuses on the American Benefits Council’s specific recommendations to the DOL as set forth in their October 2nd, 2017 letter. The Council’s recommendations, if adopted, could establish a more complete, consistent and reasonable framework for plans to address the missing participant problem, going forward.
Bringing Clarity to the Murky Problem of Missing Participants
The American Benefits Council delivered a letter to the Department of Labor (DoL), urging the DoL to act on the problem of unresponsive or missing participants.
‘May Day, May Day’: Locate your plan’s lost & missing participants before it’s too late
Protect yourself by embracing auto portability.